Nuevos indicadores académicos para nuevos tiempos
En New criteria for academic recognition señalaban el otro día el caso del Departamento de 'New Media' de la Universidad de Maine, que elaboró ya hace algún tiempo sus New Criteria for New Media, sobretitulado:
Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Addendum: Rationale for Redefined Criteria. Aparecen cosas como:
4. Download / visitor counts
Downloads and other traffic-related statistics represent a measure of influence that has gained importance in the online community recently. As a 2005 open access study[13] concludes
Whereas the significance of citation impact is well established, access of research literature via the Web provides a new metric for measuring the impact of articles - Web download impact. Download impact is useful for at least two reasons: (1) The portion of download variance that is correlated with citation counts provides an early-days estimate of probable citation impact that can begin to be tracked from the instant an article is made Open Access and that already attains its maximum predictive power after 6 months. (2) The portion of download variance that is uncorrelated with citation counts provides a second, partly independent estimate of the impact of an article, sensitive to another form of research usage that is not reflected in citations (Kurtz 2004).
O sea, el número de descargas de los documentos producidos y publicados en la red podrían ser valiosos para ascender en la carrera académica. También otros como el impacto en discusiones en línea ('online discussions') y lo que llaman 'Net-native recognition metrics'.
Como no podía ser de otra forma, la vida en la red se va integrando en la vida del 'mundo real (tm)'.
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