¿Quién va dónde?
En Whose Space? Differences Among Users and Non-Users of Social Network Sites un estudio sobre la distribución de usuarios en distintos sistemas de redes sociales. No hay diferencias espectaculares pero si se observan algunas tendencias.
Si vives en casa, es probable que uses menos estas cosas. Ser viejo usuario parece no influir. El tiempo pasado en la red si.:
En todo caso, es el resultado de una encuesta, habrá que ver si se publican mas y los datos son coherentes con los obtenidos aquí.
Tal vez podrían estar interesados en echarle un vistazo a los otros artículos del JCMC Special Theme Issue on "Social Network Sites".
Sobre estudios similares, incidiendo en la participación de asiáticos en sitios de redes sociales habíamos hablado en Bitacorear no es un placer solitario.
Además, el otro día a través de Los japoneses, los que más postean, podíamos leer Japan's Bloggers: Humble Giants of the Web, donde se dan datos sobre los japoneses, esta vez de technorati.
Me quedo con esta, claro:
First, the percentage of Asian/Asian American users fluctuates considerably, depending on the service. In particular, Asian/Asian American students in the sample are least represented on MySpace, whereas Xanga and Friendster are especially popular with this group. Second, students of Hispanic origin make up a considerably larger segment of MySpace users than their representation in the sample as a whole. Third, there is a relationship between parental education and use of some SNSs. In particular, students who have at least one parent with a graduate degree are more represented on Facebook, Xanga, and Friendster than they are in the aggregate sample, while students whose parents have less than a high school education are disproportionately users of MySpace.
Regarding race and ethnicity, the most pronounced findings concern students of Hispanic and Asian origin. Hispanic students are significantly less likely to use Facebook (60% compared to 75% or more for other groups), whereas they are much more likely than others to use MySpace (73% among Hispanic students compared to 58% or less among all others). In contrast, like White students, Asian and Asian American students are much more likely to use Facebook than others, but they are significantly less likely to use MySpace. Additionally, this group of students is especially active on Xanga and Friendster compared to others.
Si vives en casa, es probable que uses menos estas cosas. Ser viejo usuario parece no influir. El tiempo pasado en la red si.:
In particular, students who live at home with their parents are considerably less likely to use SNSs than those who live with roommates or on their own. Having Internet access at a friend's or family member's place shows the opposite relationship: Such resources increase the likelihood of use considerably. Regarding experience, how long someone has been online is not related to SNS usage; however, time spent on the Web is.
En todo caso, es el resultado de una encuesta, habrá que ver si se publican mas y los datos son coherentes con los obtenidos aquí.
Tal vez podrían estar interesados en echarle un vistazo a los otros artículos del JCMC Special Theme Issue on "Social Network Sites".
Sobre estudios similares, incidiendo en la participación de asiáticos en sitios de redes sociales habíamos hablado en Bitacorear no es un placer solitario.
Además, el otro día a través de Los japoneses, los que más postean, podíamos leer Japan's Bloggers: Humble Giants of the Web, donde se dan datos sobre los japoneses, esta vez de technorati.
Me quedo con esta, claro:
"Behavior is more important than technology," said Joichi Ito, a board member at Technorati and an expert on how people around the world use the Internet. "In Japan, it is not socially acceptable to pursue fame."
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