El sexto sentido social de Twitter
Antes de las vacaciones guardé How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense, de Clive Thompson:
Individually, most Twitter messages are stupefyingly trivial. But the true value of Twitter and the similarly mundane Dodgeball, a tool for reporting your real-time location to friends is cumulative. The power is in the surprising effects that come from receiving thousands of pings from your posse. And this, as it turns out, suggests where the Web is heading.
Y, más adelante:
So why has Twitter been so misunderstood? Because it's experiential. Scrolling through random Twitter messages can't explain the appeal. You have to do it and, more important, do it with friends.
Probablemente esta sea la explicación de por qué mucha gente no lo pilla: ver el Twitter de alguien suelto es un rollo, hace falta estar en una red (o varias, recuerden que somos multidimensionales) y ver como se produce la comunicación en esas redes.
Por supuesto, una cierta ampliación de la intimidad con otros:
When I see that my friend Misha is "waiting at Genius Bar to send my MacBook to the shop," that's not much information. But when I get such granular updates every day for a month, I know a lot more about her. And when my four closest friends and worldmates send me dozens of updates a week for five months, I begin to develop an almost telepathic awareness of the people most important to me.
Que, naturalmente, puede tener su lado negativo si somos muy celosos de nuestra intimidad (pero, claro, nadie debería poner en internet lo que no quieran que otros sepan).
Termina con:
It's practically collectivist you're creating a shared understanding larger than yourself.
But here's my bet: The animating genius behind Twitter will live on in future apps. That tactile sense of your community is simply too much fun, too useful and it makes the group more than the sum of its parts.
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