La educación y los desarrolladores
La tengo rondando por aquí desde hace varios días pero no me animaba a ponerla: Learning, or, Learning How To Learn.
Y luego:
Lo vi en Why I am a Software Developer.
As a college-bound high school junior, I was impressed. I thought my Apple II was the neatest tool ever, but this guy had a freaking electron microscope. He was articulate, intelligent, and on top of that, one of the coolest people I had ever met. And he graduated from MIT, one of the best engineering schools in the country. During lunch, I asked him how much of his schoolwork applied to his current engineering job. His response?
I can't think of a single thing from my MIT classes I've used on the job.
Y luego:
The value of education isn't in the specific material you learn-- it's in learning how to learn.
Lo vi en Why I am a Software Developer.
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