Más sobre web 2.0
El caso es que ha escrito uno sobre Web 2.0 que me ha encantado.
Para Graham la archinombrada web 2.0 tiene tres pilares
1. Ajax (la tecnología)
So ironically the original description of the Web 2.0 conference turned out to be partially right: web-based applications are a big component of Web 2.0. But I'm convinced they got this right by accident.
2. Democracia (la gente)
Another place democracy seems to win is in deciding what counts as news. I never look at any news site now except Reddit. I know if something major happens, or someone writes a particularly interesting article, it will show up there.
No conocía Reddit, habrá que explorar (¿se acuerdan de lo que decía el otro día de Boing Boing?).
Y más:
The most dramatic example of Web 2.0 democracy is not in the selection of ideas, but their production. I've noticed for a while that the stuff I read on individual people's sites is as good as or better than the stuff I read in newspapers and magazines. And now I have independent evidence: the top links on Reddit are generally links to individual people's sites rather than to magazine articles or news stories.
3. No maltratar a los usuarios
Tunes is Web 2.0ish in this sense. Finally you can buy individual songs instead of having to buy whole albums. The recording industry hated the idea and resisted it as long as possible.
Las disqueras llegan años maltratándonos (¡Ay Sony, Sony! eso si que es defender la cultura, ¿eh?; luego más sobre eso).
Hace un año
Blog, palabra del año, Maitrella en Clarin.com (¡vuelve!), Propagación de información en la red (dentro del Seminario sobre Ingeniería del Software Libre en Zaragoza).
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